Friday, April 8, 2016


                                          RESIDENTIAL LEASE  AGREEMENT FORM

The term of this agreement shall commence on: ___ (day) of ________ (month) ____ (year) until ___ (day) of ________ (month) ____ (year). This lease shall automatically self-extend under the same terms and conditions as the initial agreement and shall continue in full force and effect from month - to - month unless and until otherwise terminated. The parties involved in this agreement involve the “LANDORD” Name: _____________________________________ Address: ____________________________________ City/State/Zip: _________________________ Phone No: ____________________ And the “TENANT” Name: _____________________________________ Registered Address: ____________________________________ City/State/Zip: _________________________ Phone No: ____________________

Name of Legal Practitioner: ________________________________ Address: ________________________________ Signature: ________________________________ Signature Date: ________________________________

 A) The rent for the property is _____________ per month. The tenant must pay the rent on the ________ day of the month and deliver it to the LANDLORD at the above address or via bank transfer.

B) If the tenant fails to pay the rent on the due date, the LANDLORD may end this lease If the rent is more than ________days late, the tenant must pay a late fee of ___________ and then another __________ for each additional day that the rent is late. The late fees specified are reasonable estimations of the losses the landlord will suffer as a result of late payment of rent.

C) The term of this lease is ______________ beginning on ___________, 20___ The total rent due for the full term of this lease is _____________ In the event that the tenant should break this lease without the written permission of the LANDLORD, the unpaid rent for the remainder of this lease will become immediately due and owing to the LANDLORD.

 D) When the lease’s term ends, it will automatically renew for a term of _____________ If the landlord or tenant does not want to renew the lease, he must give the other _________ days written notice before the end of the term.

 E) The tenant has checked the property and agrees that it is in clean and good condition. At the end of this lease, the tenant will return the property to the LANDLORD in the same clean and good condition.

F) The tenant will only use the property for residential purposes.

 G) The tenant’s promise to pay the rent is separate from all other promises in this lease. The tenant agrees to pay the full rent each month If the LANDLORD owes the tenant any money, the tenant agrees not to deduct it from the rent due or from any other money owed to the.


1. The amount of the security deposit is _______________

 2. The LANDLORD cannot require the tenant to pay a security deposit that is more than (2) two months rent. After the first year, the landlord must reduce the security deposit to no more than one month’s rent.

3. The tenant cannot use the security deposit to pay rent without the written approval of the landlord

4. The LANDLORD can use the security deposit for unpaid rent and damages that are the tenant’s responsibility beyond normal wear and tear.

5. When the tenant moves out, the LANDLORD will prepare a list of charges for damages and any unpaid rent. The LANDLORD can deduct these charges, if any, from the security deposit and will return the balance within (30) thirty days. The tenant must give the LANDLORD written notice of the tenant’s new address or make other arrangements with the LANDLORD for the return of the security deposit ______

Tenant agrees to pay all utilities and/or services based upon occupancy of the premises except —————————————————————————————————————————————

Guest(s) staying over more than ____days without the written consent of the LANDLORD shall be considered a breach of this agreement. ONLY the following individuals and/or animals, AND NO OTHERS shall occupy the subject residence for more than ____ days unless the expressed written consent of the LANDLORD is obtained ____days in advance: ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________

Tenant acknowledges that LANDLORD’S insurance does not cover personal property damage caused by fire, theft, rain, war, acts of God, acts of others, and/or any other causes, nor shall LANDLORD be held liable for such losses. Tenant is hereby advised to obtain his own insurance policy to cover any personal loses

The tenant will notify the LANDLORD promptly if any part of the property is damaged or destroyed The tenant is responsible for any damage or destruction done to the property by his actions or negligence, or by the actions or negligence of his family or guests The tenant must make all repairs and replacements to fix such damage or destruction If the tenant fails to do so, the LANDLORD may do it and add the expense to the next month’s rent

The LANDLORD can enter the property at reasonable times on (24) twenty-four hours notice to the tenant. The LANDLORD can enter the property to inspect it; make repairs, alterations or improvements; supply services; or, show the property to prospective buyers, lenders, contractors, insurers, or tenants. In case of emergency, the LANDLORD can enter the property at any time without notice to the tenant

All tenants and other people the tenant allows on the property promise to:

 A. Obey all local, state and federal laws.

 B. Keep the property clean and safe.

 C. Use all utilities, facilities and fixtures in a safe and reasonable way.

D. Promptly remove all trash and debris from the property as required by the landlord and local ordinance

 E. Not deliberately or negligently destroy, deface, damage, or remove any part of the property or grounds.

 F. Not unreasonably disturb the peace of the landlord, other tenants or neighbors.

 G. Promptly notify the LANDLORD of conditions that need repair.

 H. Make no major changes to the property, such as painting, rebuilding, removing, repairing or improving without the LANDLORD’S written consent Alterations become the property of the LANDLORD The tenant cannot remove improvements and the landlord does not have to pay for any changes or improvements made by the tenant ______ Initials Page 2 of 4.

 I. Agree not to install any external antennae, which shall include but not be limited to antenna for television, CB radio, FM reception, short-wave radio & satellite dish without prior written consent of landlord.

J. Not to bring or keep any pets on the property without the prior written approval by the LANDLORD.

 K. Allow the LANDLORD to put up “for sale,” “for rent,” or other signs.

L. Move out of the property when the lease ends.

M. Keep nothing on the property that is highly flammable, dangerous or substantially increases the danger of fire or injury

The LANDLORD promises to:

A. Maintain the property and common areas in the manner required by law. 4

 B. Keep the property in good repair and good working order.

 C. Continue all services and utilities that the landlord has agreed to provide.

D. Allow the tenant to enjoy the property without interference so long as the tenant obeys all the rules in this lease

A. The tenant waives the Notice To Quit otherwise required by law This means that the LANDLORD may require the tenant vacate and surrender the apartment immediately with no prior notice.

B. If the tenant fails to pay any one-month’s rent on or before the due date, or the tenant breaks any other provision in this lease, the LANDLORD may end this lease immediately and file a lawsuit to evict the tenant.

C. Besides ending this lease and evicting the tenant, the landlord can sue the tenant for unpaid rent, other damages, losses or injuries If the LANDLORD gets a judgment for money against the tenant, the landlord can use the court process to take your personal goods, furniture, motor vehicles and money in banks The LANDLORD may also be able to attach your wages to recover money for damages done to the property.

D. The LANDLORD may recover reasonable legal fees and costs from the tenant for any legal actions relating to the payment of rent or the recovery of the property.

The property will be considered abandoned by the tenant if:

A. The tenant gives the LANDLORD notice that he will not return to the property.

B. The tenant removes his personal belongings from the property, fails to pay the rent, and does not return for (15) fifteen days;

C. The tenant fails to pay the rent and does not return to the property for one month; or

D. The tenant leaves personal belongings in the property after the end of the lease *If the tenant abandons the property, the LANDLORD may enter and re-let the property. In this case, the LANDLORD may also remove and dispose of any personal property left behind by the tenant

The tenant cannot lease the property to any other person or let any other person take over the tenant’s rights and duties under this lease, unless the landlord first gives written approval

If the LANDLORD sells this property, the purchaser can end this lease. All mortgages that now or in the future affect the property have a priority over this lease If the landlord sells the property, he will give the tenant written notice stating the name, address and phone number of the new landlord and where and to whom to pay rent. The landlord must also inform the tenant whether the security deposit was transferred to the new landlord If the landlord does not transfer the security deposit, the landlord 5 must return it to the tenant as described in this lease ______ Initial Page 3 of 4 of the Residential Lease Agreement

You are hereby notified that a nonpayment, late payment or breach of any of the terms of this rental agreement may be submitted/reported to a credit and/or tenant reporting agency, and may create a negative credit record on your credit report 16. NOTICES: All notices to TENANT shall be served at Tenant’s premises and all notices to LANDLORD shall be served at: _______________________________________________________

This lease contains the complete agreement between the LANDLORD and the TENANT. The landlord and tenant can change this lease only by a written agreement signed by both If more than one tenant signs this lease, each tenant assumes full liability for all the obligations in this lease. NO ORAL AGREEMENTS HAVE BEEN ENTERED INTO ALL modifications or notices shall be in writing in order to be valid * Each part of this lease should be interpreted so that it agrees with current law If the law does not allow a certain part of this lease, then that one part will be ineffective without invalidating the rest of the section or the rest of this lease

18. ADDITIONAL TERMS & CONDITIONS: ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________

Landlord’s Name: ________________________________
Signature: _________________________________
Date of signature: ________________________________

Tenant’s Name: ________________________________
Signature: ________________________________
Signature Date: ________________________________

In the presence of a “WITNESS”
Witness’s Name: ________________________________
Witness’s Address: ________________________________
Witness’s Occupation: ________________________________
Witness’s Signature: ________________________________
Witness’s Signature Date: ________________________________

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